Align your Money Map with Realising Your Vision

Flowcasting HEARTMINDᵇᵉᵗᵃ

Your self-paced Deep Dive Synthesis Re-Program


⚠️ Apply NOW | We’re limiting our first Money Master cohort of Flowcasting™ HEARTMINDERS to 22 students.

Applicants are interviewed on an ongoing basis. Spaces will be limited to ensure students receive sufficient personalised attention and support.

Lightworkers, healers, artists, teachers, coaches, guides, yogis.
Activate a new enhanced ‘fit-for-your-soul-purpose’ Money Map.

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The Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Money Map 6-week ‘Re-Program’ is for those seekers planning to or that are already working with these healing and creative Transformation Modalities and give private sessions, hold group classes, run workshops and retreats, provide teacher training, or offer related products and services, indirectly or directly.

Acupuncture, Art, Astrology, Bodywork, Breathwork, Circus, Coaching, Ecstatic Dance, Dieta, Fasting, Film, Hypnosis, Laughter, Love, Massage, Meditation, Music, NLP, Past Life Regression, Photography, Poetry, Reiki, Satsang, Shamanism, Spoken Word, Ceremony, Spirituality, Tarot, Theatre, Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), Vision Quest, Writing, Yoga, and more.


Is this, was this, could this, be you?

You rely on your bank balance as an indicator of your personal and business financial health.
Your idea of working to a budget is doing less of what you want and more of what you don’t.
You get by earning just enough to live an ‘edited minimum version’ of your dream lifestyle.
You leave your cash flow forecasting and planning to hope, chance, a wing, and a prayer.
Your financial decisions tend to be short-term, spur-of-the-moment, and gut instinct.
You rarely consider where you’re going financially, in the short, medium, or long-term.
You don’t have any specific considered financial goals for your life or your business.
You often find talking about or dealing with money and finance challenging.
You believe becoming better with money means life will become boring.


Explorers, creators, seekers, changemakers, transformerpreneurs.
Are you doing, avoiding, or planning to be, any of the following?


Starting or growing a ‘one-person with some occasional help and support’ transformation business so that you can fulfil your mission.

Building multiple streams of personal and business income (sessions, classes, workshops, products, consulting, training, and coaching).

Minimising your dependance on costly accountants and expensive business modelling consultants to manage and grow your business.

Working through a significant life event (redundancy, career change, business exit, relationship breakdown, divorce proceedings, loss of a loved one, physical relocation, extended nomadic transition).

Designing, creating, living, and working a seasonal mini-sabbatical adventure traveller explorer lifestyle for you and your family.

Gaining certainty and confidence to start healing and letting go of your old conditioned financial patterns and unconscious money habits.

Enjoying clarity and peace of mind when it comes to your relationship with and management of your personal money and business finance.

Taking mindful responsibility for and control of your finances especially during times of imagined, potential, or real ongoing uncertainty.

Following your heart’s deepest desire and truth when choosing to live life your way, to your fullest potential, by becoming evermore ‘heartmindful’ with your financial decision making approach and process.

Actively realising your vision instead of just idealising it.


How do you respond or react?

You work faster, longer, and harder just to make ends meet and maintain your diminishing lifestyle.
You try to do too much and continue taking on more of what you don't want and less of what you do.
You distract yourself with ‘good’ or ‘bad’ coping mechanisms to avoid overthinking your situation.
You often feel like no matter how much time and effort you put in you’re moving backward not forward.
You present a ‘fake it till you make it’ façade to the world despite not knowing what that looks or feels like for you.
You beg, borrow, and steal your way to your next payday to keep your dream alive and kicking.
You keep putting off learning about, practicing, and finally mastering money to yet another day.
You remind yourself the Universe has your back and will deliver for you in your hour of need.
You blame the market or economy for your less than desirable financial situation.


Unravel your ‘Gordian Knot’ to reveal and realign your Money Map.
Become the vigilant but loving parent of the errant child within.


According to Greek mythology, when the peasant Gordius became king of Gordium in Phrygia, he dedicated his wagon to Jupiter and fastened its yoke to an anchored beam with a very complex tightly wound knot.

Centuries later, when Alexander the Great arrived on the scene, he was told that he wouldn’t and couldn't conquer and rule Asia unless he proved himself worthy by untying the knot and freeing the wagon.

Alexander quickly solved this apparent problem, and gained a new kingdom in the process, by swiftly slicing the knot in half with his sword.

Since then, ‘Gordian Knot’ has become a term for a difficult problem, and the phrase ‘cut the Gordian knot’ has become a popular way to describe a neat solution for an apparently insurmountable difficulty.

Like Alexander we are honour-bound to discover our own way to conquer, take ownership and reign the ‘kingdom’ of our financial life that is, for good or bad, governed by our multi-layered relationship with money.

This ‘hero’s journey’ victory will lead us to ‘Mastery’ of a new territory, to lasting success, on the road to realising our vision, relatively unscathed.

Where once our ‘Money Map’ was seemingly out of sight, out of mind, and out of heart we will now, much like the vigilant but loving parent of an errant child within or the rider of a runaway horse, strongly rein in our relationship to it. We will bring it firmly back under our charge, take control, assume ongoing responsibility, and make sure it stays that way.

The Gordian Knot is our existing, often unnecessary challenging, un-investigated, yet consistently unchallenged, emotional, mental, physical, and energetic roller coaster relationship with money and finance.

It’s the tangled web of ingrained thoughts, emotions, habits, behaviours, and the outdated ‘no-longer-fit-for-our-soul-purpose’ patterns of our wayward financial past. Combined and infused with confusion, uncertainty, and lack of clarity and confidence with our short, medium, and long term financial ‘presence’ and imagined potential future.

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Cut your Gordian Knot.

The legend of Phrygian Gordium associated with Alexander the Great is often used as a metaphor for an intractable problem, untying an impossibly tangled knot, that is solved easily and quickly by finding an approach to it that renders the perceived constraints of the problem moot. This is known as ‘cutting the Gordian Knot’.


Flowcasting HEARTMINDᵇᵉᵗᵃ

The inside out, outside in re-solution to your money problem.

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Powerful vision-led deep dive Money Map re-programming.

The Flowcasting HEARTMIND ‘Re-Program’ is your inspirational and experiential ‘hidden treasure’ gateway to an intentionally intimate positive relationship with and appreciation of the interconnectedness of your personal money, business finance, ‘hero’s journey’, and purposefully realising your vision. Even if you’re not quite sure exactly what your ‘vision’ looks and feels like yet, let alone how you’re going to fully ‘realise’ it.

Flowcasting HEARTMIND combines the investigative power of your emotional, mental, and physical relationship with money and finance with learning new super-tools, both internal and external, analogue and digital, and the development of self-knowledge, practical skills, and real-world experience.

Dramatically change your relationship to and practical skills with money and finance, for good, in just six short weeks.


‘Richard Conner guided me through a crucial point of development in my Transformation Business, an International Yoga Festival. He is so skilled and easy to work with that he turned what felt like daunting and complicated tasks into clear, accessible, and fun aspects of the business.’

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Your Money Map is your emotional, mental, and physical ability to cultivate Capacity, curate Freedom, and transfer Value.

Stories (limited > unlimited), Senses (common > uncommon), Skills (inept > adept)


A ‘Hero’s Journey’ HEARTMIND Money Map enabling Re-Program.

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Education > Expectation > Investigation > Anticipation > Application > Orientation > Preparation > Activation > Participation 


Safety > Security > Stability > Clarity > Certainty > Confidence > Flexibility > Freedom > Fun


Chaos, Order, and Balance are usable flex-conditions, qualities, or states of Capacity Cultivation, also known as Value Creation.


Resolve conflict. Listen deeply. Value regularly. Flow freely.
‘Self-knowledge’ bases of Balanced financial decision making.


Take care of the matters that matter to us all.
Navigate financial decisions with ease.

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Become a HEARTMINDFUL ‘Money Master’

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‘An eye-opening experience.’

‘I feel much more empowered, in control of my finances, and enjoy greater emotional and mental clarity when it comes to healthily managing my overly-challenging relationship with money.’

Lukasz Kruk  Aquatic Therapist, Founder, The Wandered Man Project

An eye-opening experience that catalysed my learning for numbers. He laid down a very solid foundation of how money works and guided me quickly towards increased understanding of my financial blindspots and weaknesses.

Each session brought unexpected value to my personal life and enhanced my new and developing Transformation Business. Richard's intuitive guidance led me to feel relaxed and at ease. I’ve applied these new strategies and action steps and am now moving forward in life and business with more knowledge, skill, safety, security, stability, confidence, clarity, certainty, and creativity.


‘The freedom to live without restriction is a human prerogative. Not a right of passage.’

Richard Conner


‘I'm so grateful for the clarity and value Richard Conner has helped me find with some of the more challenging back-end financial aspects of my Lifestyle Transformation Business. With his help, I have been able to implement some key changes and refinements that allow my business to run more efficiently and successfully while helping me to relax more.

I now have a bigger picture understanding of how my business works. I know what steps I need to take to move forward with more peace, ease, grace and flow. As a small-business Transformerpreneur, it can get very overwhelming to manage all aspects of a business. I really appreciate the way Richard is able to sit patiently with me, explain things, and help me organise my information. His support is invaluable.’

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Francie Fishman Founder, Pure Flow Yoga

The Best Yoga, Mindfulness & Fitness Breaks of 2018 (The Guardian)
Voted one of the Top 5 Retreats in Southeast Asia by All The Rooms
Top Ten Yoga Retreats by

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Meet your guide.

Richard Conner is a Transformerpreneur at HEARTMIND.

Having trained as a Rebirthing Breathworker, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis, and Shamanic Practitioner he now mentors, coaches, and teaches soul-driven self-led Transformerpreneurs how to proactively, profitably, and successfully realise their evolving soul-vision.

As an Author, Architect, and Artist he’s acted as CEO, Managing, Creative, Marketing, Operations, HR, and Finance Director to a 100+ person team enterprise while working nomadically from studios in London, Manchester, Sofia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bangkok, Koh Phangan, and now Brechfa village in the Welsh countryside.

Richard has 25+ years of hands-on ‘been there done that’ experience starting, building, managing, and healing an award-winning international group of creative Transformation Businesses that have grown from zero to over $5M+ in annual sales, and over $25M of lifetime revenue since their inception and birth.

Richard created Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND ‘Re-Program’ to solve the ‘elephant in the room’ money and finance problem at its HEARTMIND source causal level that most people, especially Transformerpreneurs, face while on their ‘hero’s journey’.

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Tell me, is it better to burn out or fade away?
Entering and exiting the crucible of ‘financial fear’. 


Throughout the latter half of my career I faced-down and thankfully survived a cascade of unexpected, unwanted, and unnecessary financial challenges that, knowing what I know now about my then neglected Money Map, could have easily been prevented.


‘Most lead lives of quiet desperation and die with their unsung song still inside them.’

Henry David Thoreau

’I spent one lifetime too many living with, enduring, and trying to escape the 'not knowing’. The seemingly unpredictable financial ups and downs I struggled through kept me tethered to a stagnant, restricted, limited, and altogether unfulfilling way of being.

It was time to find the key and break free from the ‘conventional’ money-cage I’d unwittingly constructed for myself to explore life’s mysteries and treasures, reconnect with my creative value, and share my buried and hidden gifts with the world.’

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Burned out I made my ‘10-year decision’, left my businesses, and entered the forest of ‘Not Knowing’. Putting my house in order I embarked on an open-ended ‘Work Vacuum’ Desert of the Unknown sabbatical. I found myself sculpting a skeletal dinosaur ‘mythical sea creature’ leviathan on a Thai beach, modelling consciousness, and living in a cave, literally.

Spending years indexing, recapitulating, organising, and analysing, I conceptually ‘codified’ the value exchange resources of Time, Money, Creativity, Purpose, and Intention and their manifold relationship to Action and Inaction. With my ‘Work Life Wide Open’ and ‘Life’s Work’ magnum opus book series authored I re-emerged from my ‘cave’.


Deep reflections.

Not surprisingly when the dust had settled on what I hoped and prayed was to be my ‘last’ crucible moment I finally decided to make an overdue Significant Life Change.

Richard Conner


Despite my education, knowledge, and years of practical experience, and these grand creative projects to carry me forward I still found myself working with a naive post-business-exit pre-sabbatical ‘I’ll be back up and running and earning again in no time’ nothing but useless budget. As a result my savings were all-too-quickly being drained away.

Worry, anxiety, and stress soon reared their ugly heads, again. It was clear my ‘financial fear of bottoming out’ was once more calling me in. It was time for a long overdue reckoning. It was clear to me that nothing short of a no holds barred ‘feel the fear to let it go’ Money Map showdown would suffice if I was going to usher in an evolutionary life-epoch.

Through the experiential insights I’d gained about myself dealing with the seemingly never-ending ‘crucible’ problems that I’d overcome, I finally realised something. It quickly becomes a living nightmare trying to budget and cash flow forecast a more often than not nomadic, transformation business lifestyle using only traditional ‘linear’ methods.

After many light-bulb moments I could now clearly see, recognise, and appreciate the limitations inherent in the half-baked inflexible or pseudo-solutions that many time-pressed, stressed, burned-out, creators, innovators, and dreamers normally turn to, or attempt to invent and cobble together themselves, out of sheer desperation.



It was clear to me that nothing short of a no holds barred ‘feel the fear to let it go’ Money Map showdown would suffice if I was going to usher in an evolutionary financial life-epoch.

Richard Conner


With what I’ve learned through countless ‘frying pan around the head’ repetition and ‘the penny has finally dropped’ realisation I’ve made it my mission to empower people to take back control of their short, medium, and long term personal money and business finance Money Mappresence’ and potential future, while making ‘sense’ of their past.

With vision, foresight, and informed, considered action you too can make steady consistent incremental progress with increasing clarity, certainty, and confidence toward realising your vision and experiencing life at its peak without being held back by worry, anxiety, and fear surrounding your relationship with personal money and business finance.

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Crossing unknown seas; it never rains, it pours.
Learn from My Money Map experiences.

‘Don’t build a house of cards that won’t weather the inevitable storms of life.’

Two company insolvency and liquidation processes in the same year.
A 10-year personal post 2008 financial crash Debt Management Plan process (DMP).
Forced to accept a ‘weak cash position’ investment valuation and giving too much for too little.
Becoming a victim of your own success by naively growing too quickly with too little money.
Underfunded and under-planned startup business failure with relationship breakdown.
Not one, not two, but three very low shareholder valuation business founder exits.
Personal bankruptcy with all the emotional and mental bells and whistles.
‘Keep the wheels on at all cost’ emotional, mental, and physical stress.
A 3-year creditor Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA).
A ‘financial fear’ triggered ‘dark night of the soul’.


‘Money is a unit of potential and growth. The keys to unlocking it are your Money Maps.’

Richard Conner

I've had an ongoing relationship with Richard Conner for over 30 years which I like to believe gives him special insight when he gives me advice.

Which is not actually true; he brings a gimlet eye of precision and clarity to every question he is asked, helping me fill in the strategic and tactical gaps that passed me by or that I all too readily glossed over while knee-deep in the thick of it delivering deadline projects for my clients.

My business grew but the foundational structures required to do so securely, safely, and sustainably were overlooked. Richard has helped me identify the correct frameworks that need putting in place to support me and my business at this stage of its ongoing development and direction.

Most importantly, as he has 'been there, done that' his advice is real and believable, encouraging people to think beyond numbers; growth, but not just defined by profits and the balance sheet. Highly recommended.

Lisa Helmanis Creative Director, Day Studio London

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‘I see clearly now and no longer feel stressed or overwhelmed.’

‘I’m a yoga transformation business owner with complex and difficult to understand finances. I was struggling to get a clear picture of what was going on with my fluctuating incomings and outgoings.’

Randall O'Leary Founder, Swara Yoga Academy

Richard Conner helped me to see the situation with my personal money and business finance clearly and taught me how to manage and plan my finances for the future while keeping my mission and vision both in mind and heart.

He’s wonderful to work with; patient, calm and clear. I’m certain if he can help me he could guide nearly anyone to get a better handle on the bigger picture and the day-to-day-detail of their specific money matters.

‘The sculpture is complete within the marble block.
I merely have to chisel away the superfluous.’


He carries a substantial depth of integrated experience, but still manages to approach each conversation with fresh eyes and an open heart. This rare combination of gifts plays out in his ability to comprehend singular challenges exactly as they are, unfiltered through predetermined epistemological architectures. Armed with this lucidity of observation, he distills clarity from the fog of ownership, isolating appropriate action to generate forward movement, growth, and transformational change.

In the course of a few focused conversations, Richard developed a sharp, unmediated perception of my organization's current state. His succinct advice then dynamited open the doors of momentum. I walked away knowing not just what to do next, but with the fullest confidence that all of the steps he advised would yield desirable and attainable results.

Richard Conner’s counsel and reflections are truly invaluable.

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Craft, refine, and hone your HEARTMIND ‘Hero’s Journey’ Vessel.
Explore, learn, and embody pre-requisite Money Map success skills.

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Vessels are interconnected physical, emotional, mental, and energetic ‘bodies’. Your Vessel lifts you up and carries you across time, through different life conflicts, contents, and contexts, along the winding ‘path with heartmind’ of your ‘hero’s journey’ guided by your ‘Re-Coded’ Money Map en route to realising your vision.


Adventurous Spirit

‘Most lead lives of quiet desperation and die with their song unsung still inside them.’

I spent far too long living with, enduring, and trying to escape the 'not knowing’. The seemingly unpredictable financial ups and downs I struggled through kept me tethered to a stagnant, restricted, limited, and altogether unfulfilling way of being. It was time to cut loose and break free from the ‘conventional’ money-cage I’d unwittingly constructed for myself to explore life’s mysteries and treasures, reconnect with my value, and share my gifts with the world.


Dream Impact

‘Stand for financially informed choices and considered action to maximise dream impact.’

Enhance your lifestyle (increase income, decrease costs, significant life change)
Start or grow a business (funding requirements, launch runway, growth timing)
Create a micro-farm (equipment, stock, storage, packaging, farmers markets)
Self-build your home (mortgage drawdowns, contractor payments, interest)
Introduce a new product (isolated assessment, return on investment)
Take a sabbatical (travel, education, income expenditure variations)


Freedom Foresight

‘It is far better to foresee even without certainty than not to foresee anything at all.’

Having the ability to choose a goal or mission that matters most to me and have fun exploring the big picture vision and necessary detailed financial ins and outs, over time, quickly and easily, in the context of my day-to-day life and business, would fast become a forecasting superpower that I simply could not, would not, and will not, under any circumstances ‘journey’ successfully without.


Super Skills

‘Powerfully simple super-string theories, practices, tools, and skills for your visionary bow.’

The Flowcasting HEARTMIND art, craft, and practice of vision-led financial modelling, budgeting, and forecasting for your life, work, projects, hobbies, and business is a life-skill-set quite unlike any other. When you discover, learn, and take regular action to put these strategies, techniques, and technology to use habitually, the benefits of acquiring these super skills will reach far and wide.


‘Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify. Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something. That government is best which governs least.

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. All good things are wild, and free. In wildness is the preservation of the world. Goodness is the only investment that never fails. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau, ‘Walden'

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Flowcasting HEARTMINDᵇᵉᵗᵃ

Not for the faint-hearted. Those averse to challenge need not apply.


Your enrol anytime self-paced deep dive Re-Program.
Get to work aligning your Money Map with Realising Your Vision.


With an enhanced appreciation of and upgrade to your unique Money Map combined with a HEARTMINDED vision-led approach to responsible personal and business money management and financial decision making you will soon be well on your way to becoming a super-skilled HEARTMINDFUL ‘Money Master’.


Flowcasting™ HEARTMINDᵇᵉᵗᵃ Packages

β = Beta Phase Pricing | VAT / Sales Tax may be applicable to some EU countries. Prices are in USD.


$949 ᵝ

or 6 x $197 monthly payments on request

HEARTMIND Light Walker

($1,379 @ 30%+ OFF Beta Discount)

At your own pace. Keep it lean. Always move forward.

At your own pace.
Keep it lean. Always move forward.

HEARTMIND Light Walker includes :

30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee

HEARTMIND Synthesis Re-Program + Updates

Weekly HEARTMINDERS Q+A Coaching Call (*)

Dedicated HEARTMINDERS Facebook Group

1 x 1-2-1 Money Map Coaching Session

The FlowcastingBUDGETEER Online Course

✓ Flowcast™ SPREADSHEET BASICS Micro-Course

Google Sheets Flowcast™ TEMPLATE Super-Tool

FREE forever Flowcast™ TEMPLATE Updates

✓ Personal Use License ONLY (single-person)


Make unlimited copies of the Template Sets

Access the latest versions as often as you like

FlowcastSKIP MONTHS Feature


FlowcastTIME TRAVELLER Feature

Standard FlowcastSuper-Tool Support (< 48 h)

Flowcasters COMMUNITY Facebook Group

Flowcast™ GROUP Q+A Call Monthly Year PASS

10% OFF Flowcasting™ 1-2-1 Coaching Sessions

$149 OFF any FlowcastingHEARTMIND Upgrade

Transformerpreneur COLLECTION ($39 value)

Includes $150+ of Beta Bonuses + Incentives


$1,949 ᵝ

or 6 x $397 monthly payments on request

HEARTMIND Money Master

($3,279 @ 40%+ OFF Beta Discount)

Practice makes perfect. Hone your edge. Stay sharp.

Practice makes perfect.
Hone your edge. Stay sharp.

HEARTMIND Money Master includes :

30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee

HEARTMIND Synthesis Re-Program + Updates

Enrolment, progress, and completion interviews

Weekly HEARTMINDERS Q+A Coaching Call (*)

Dedicated HEARTMINDERS Facebook Group

2 x 1-2-1 Money Map Coaching Session

DWY Vision-Aligned 3-yr Flowcast™ Money Map

+6 Weeks Activation Email Coaching + Support

The FlowcastingBUDGETEER Online Course

✓ Flowcast™ SPREADSHEET BASICS Micro-Course

Google Sheets Flowcast™ TEMPLATE Super-Tool

FREE forever Flowcast™ TEMPLATE Updates

Personal, Business + Team Use (multi-person)

Use on your and your team’s desktop or laptop

✓ Complete Starter Template Pack (pers, bus, etc.)

Make unlimited copies of the Template Sets

Access the latest versions as often as you like

FlowcastSKIP MONTHS Feature


FlowcastTIME TRAVELLER Feature

Priority FlowcastSuper-Tool Support (< 24 h)

Flowcasters COMMUNITY Facebook Group

Flowcast™ GROUP Q+A Call Fortnightly Year PASS

10% OFF Flowcasting™ 1-2-1 Coaching Sessions

$149 OFF any FlowcastingHEARTMIND Upgrade

Transformerpreneur COLLECTION ($39 value)

Financial Foundation Course Collection ($897)

Repurpose Your Life Book + Mini-Course

Includes $950+ of Beta Bonuses + Incentives


$2,949 ᵝ

or 9 x $397 monthly payments on request

HEARTMIND Zenith Warrior

($6,349 @ 50%+ OFF Beta Discount)

Simply out of this world. Shoot for the stars. Rise above it all.

Simply out of this world.
Shoot for the stars. Rise above it all.

HEARTMIND Zenith Warrior includes :

30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee

HEARTMIND Synthesis Re-Program + Updates

Enrolment, progress, and completion interviews

Weekly HEARTMINDERS Q+A Coaching Call (*)

Priority Q+A Response within + without Group Call

Dedicated HEARTMINDERS Facebook Group

6 x 1-2-1 Money Map Coaching Session

DWY Vision-Aligned 3-yr Flowcast™ Money Map

DFY vision-aligned 3-yr Flowcast™ Money Map

+6 Months Activation Email Coaching + Support

Unlimited anytime Email Coaching + Support (*)

VIP Call Richard to discuss Money Matters (*†)

The FlowcastingBUDGETEER Online Course

✓ Flowcast™ SPREADSHEET BASICS Micro-Course

Google Sheets Flowcast™ TEMPLATE Super-Tool

FREE forever Flowcast™ TEMPLATE Updates

Personal, Business + Team Use (multi-person)

Use on your and your team’s desktop or laptop

✓ Complete Starter Template Pack (pers, bus, etc.)

Make unlimited copies of the Template Sets

Access the latest versions as often as you like

FlowcastSKIP MONTHS Feature


FlowcastTIME TRAVELLER Feature

Dedicated FlowcastSuper-Tool Support (< 12 h)

Flowcasters COMMUNITY Facebook Group

Flowcast™ GROUP Q+A Call Weekly Year PASS

10% OFF Flowcasting™ 1-2-1 Coaching Sessions

$149 OFF any FlowcastingHEARTMIND Upgrade

Transformerpreneur COLLECTION ($39 value)

Financial Foundation Course Collection ($897)

Repurpose Your Life Book + Mini-Course

Lifetime 10% OFF Flowcast™ SERVICES (Beta ONLY)

Includes $1,950+ of Beta Bonuses + Incentives


Access Flowcast™ TEMPLATE Support, Facebook Group, and Flowcast™ GROUP Q+A Coaching Calls for as long as you need to after your HEARTMIND Re-Program ends.

β = Beta Phase Pricing | DWY = Done With You | DFY = Done For You | * = for 6 weeks only | = limits apply


Not ready to go all-in just yet?


The entry level FlowcastingUNLIMITED Business Builder Package includes everything in Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Light Walker excluding 1-2-1 coaching, weekly group live Q+A calls, or access to the dedicated HEARTMINDERS Facebook Group.

Why not get started today by giving FlowcastingUNLIMITED a try now and receive discount-upgrade later to a HEARTMIND Deep Dive Package that includes more Money Mapping support and personalised attention. It’s your call.



1-2-1 Sessions and Unlimited Email Support are only valid for the duration of the Re-Program unless otherwise agreed.
Please be aware VAT / Sales Tax may be applicable to some EU countries. Prices are in USD.
Flowcast™ requires a Google Account with access to Google Sheets.
Package contents are subject to change without notice.


⚠️ Apply NOW | We’re limiting our first Money Master cohort of Flowcasting™ HEARTMINDERS to 22 students.

Applicants are interviewed on an ongoing basis. Spaces will be limited to ensure students receive sufficient personalised attention and support.


Frequently Asked Questions
How to apply and request more information.



The Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Re-Program core curriculum and supporting tools are now defined, designed, created, and ready for students.

However, as it is being refinedon-the-fly’ with students input and feedback it is heavily discounted with incentives, awards, and bonuses for beta students depending on the HEARTMIND Package they decide to sign up for or upgrade to.

As such we ask every student’s tacit reciprocal agreement to the following requirements :


Focussed study of the beta course content for around 3-4 hours a week in readiness for the live zoom Q+A group coaching calls so that everyone is aligned and progressing at a similar rate.

Acknowledgement that group Q+A coaching calls will be recorded. They will be made available as a support component to past, present, and future students via the online teaching platform.

A strong desire to revamp your interconnected relationship to your money, finance, and vision.

A can and will do attitude to learning new skills and taking regular consistent action all while maintaining a spirited sense of humour.

A promise to share your honest feedback over the duration of the program so we can make necessary adjustments to our content and marketing and most importantly re-focus as necessary so you get the results you need from the Re-Program.

Record and share in-depth video testimonial content, that can be edited then published freely online and offline for related purposes.

A ‘hell yeahcommitment to stay with the Re-Program for the full 6-12-week duration no matter how much or how little resistance comes up for you.

A whatever it takes willingness to create lasting positive change with your relationship with money, finance, and proactively realising your vision.

The Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Re-Program is not for the faint-hearted. Those averse to creativity, change, and challenge need not apply.

What’s BETA ?

Applicants are asked to appreciate that the Re-Program is in beta trial phase and constantly being improved as a result of student’s ongoing feedback. As such the course content and format is evolving.

For this reason for a limited period, Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Packages are heavily discounted.

There is also a generous unlimited multi-bonus referral incentive scheme for beta students who are happy to meet the enrolment requirements and share with and encourage others to join the Re-Program who subsequently sign up and pay in full.

And there’s more. Regardless of which package you choose when you sign up you can then apply for the Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Money Map Coaching Award Scheme worth nearly $500.


These Beta Incentives are included with all of the Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND packages detailed.

Heavily discounted up to 50%+ OFF

Unlimited multi-bonus referral incentive

Money Map Coaching Award Scheme ($500)


Please check which of these Beta Bonuses are included in the HEARTMIND Packages detailed.

The Transformerpreneur Collection

FFMM Financial Flow Course

FFMM Easy Money Management Course

FFMM Finance Made Easy Course

Lifetime 10% OFF Flowcast™ SERVICES

= Financial Foundation Money Matters

What’s NEXT ?

If you’d like to find out more about Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND submit the form below to register your interest and you’ll be sent a curriculum overview with sample course content, programme schedule, and confirm special offer limited duration beta pricing.

We’ll also communicate the number of remaining spaces for each package, guarantee assurances, flexible payment options, instalment plans, incentive referral scheme and award scheme information, the application process, and form links.

After you’ve submitted your application there will be an opportunity to schedule a 1-2-1 discovery call with Richard Conner to answer any of your unanswered questions and discuss your options and next steps.

Reach out by submitting the form below. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.


We respect your privacy.



1-2-1 Sessions and Unlimited Email Support are only valid for the duration of the Re-Program unless otherwise agreed.
Please be aware VAT / Sales Tax may be applicable to some EU countries. Prices are in USD.
Flowcast™ requires a Google Account with access to Google Sheets.
Package contents are subject to change without notice.


⚠️ Beta Bonuses outlined below are ONLY included with Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Packages as detailed.

Applicants are interviewed on an ongoing basis. Spaces will be limited to ensure students receive sufficient personalised attention and support.

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Flowcasting HEARTMINDᵇᵉᵗᵃ Incentives + Bonuses

These transformational products created and published by Transformerpreneur will ONLY be included in the Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Packages during the beta trial phase. Please check the package details above.


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Included with ALL Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Packages.
HEARTMINDERS Referral + Money Map Coaching Award Schemes.

Award to be judged by Transformerpreneur founder + Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND creator Richard Conner.


15% (TBC) Student Referral Incentive

Take advantage of the generous unlimited multi-bonus referral incentive scheme only available to Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Beta Students who both meet the enrolment requirements and encourage others to join the Re-Program who subsequently sign up and pay in full for any of the HEARTMIND Packages.

After the money back guarantee period you’ll receive a credit of 15% of the Package Price (excluding Sales Tax / VAT, hosting platform commission, payment processing fees, and refunds) for each student you successfully refer.

Should your referral credit earned exceed the HEARTMIND Package value you signed up and paid for you may upgrade should space permit.

$500 Money Map Coaching Award

And there’s more. Regardless of which package you choose when you sign up you can then apply for the Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Money Map Coaching Award Scheme worth nearly $500 to the selected HEARTMIND Beta Student.

There will be a maximum of 49 students during the Beta trial phase which means you have greater than a 1 in 50 opportunity of being selected for the award.

Judging criteria will be provided after you have signed up for a package.


⚠️ $500+ Beta Bonus Value


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Included with Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Light Walker and above.
Highly recommended wider reading to support your vision.

The Transformerpreneur ‘Work Life Wide Open’ + ‘Lifestyle Transformation Business’ COLLECTION



‘A manuscript for change.’
Sherri Ewing-Rahmanop, Founder and Head Chef, Red Hot Cooking. Author of ‘Alaska’s Wild Gourmet’.



‘Essential read. Absolute gold.’
Faith Hill, Life Coach, Spark Escapes.


Break Your Busy
Set Your Creativity Free

Enjoy Better Life and Time Management
Stop Procrastination and Be More Effective

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The Facets Of Life
Dispel Inner And Outer Conflict

Embracing The Seven Works Conscious
Work-Life-Change Blueprint



‘A brilliant manifesto.’
Steve Smith, Entertainment Disruptor.
Founder, Chairman, Ear To The Ground.


Architecting a life well-lived, in real time.’
Walker Traylor, Engineer Explorer.


Finance Made Easy
For Transformerpreneurs

Simple Lifestyle Transformation Business Money
Management and Holistic Profitable Pricing

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The GO FASTER Principle
For Transformerpreneurs

Designing, Starting, and Building a Conscious
Transformation Business The Fast Way



‘Amazed by the practicality and simplicity.’
Faith Hill, Life Coach, Spark Escapes.



‘The thinking person’s guide to human being as it’s meant to be.’
Phyllis Serene, Modern Oracle. Author of ‘Owning Masculinity’.



‘A precious guide to the path of self-discovery.’
Tania Kemou. TAKE Yoga.


⚠️ $49+ Beta Bonus Value


Included with Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Money Master and above.
Financial Foundation Money Matters for Transformerpreneurs.

The essential Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND online companion courses to supercharge your progress.


⚠️ $897+ Beta Bonus Value


Financial Flow

Get financially unstuck and stay that way.

Discover the Lost Art of Bootstrapping your life and Transformation Business.

I take you step-by-step through the cyclic ins and outs of my essential Transformerpreneur’s startup-business-life financial runway extending strategic and tactical playbook. Prepare yourself to prevent or weather any incoming money storms. Avoid being left high and dry.

⚠️ $149+ Beta Bonus Value


Offering sessions, running workshops, courses, retreats, and teacher trainings can be a financial minefield if they aren't priced holistically. 

Spend just a few hours with this course and you'll learn how to manage and organise your personal money and business finances. You’ll see how both influence and impact pricing and profit with greater clarity.

You'll quickly gain high-level strategic insights and detailed practical guidance on the necessary financial aspects of running a sustainable and financially successful Lifestyle Transformation Business.

Includes simplepractical, and actionable lessons and tools covering:

  Creating a sustainable business to liberate your lifestyle.
  Reducing money anxiety and overcoming financial resistance.
  How much time to work ‘in’ and 'on' your business.
✓  Planning for a profitable offering, business, and life.
  Knowing when and how much to pay yourself.
  Profitable session, class, workshop, training, retreat pricing.
  How much to spend on marketing and advertising.


Easy Money Management

Clarity beckons.

Effortless income, expense, and budget tracking and reporting.

Learn how to use simple, quick, free to very-low-cost mobile app tailored specifically to your unique life context, life content, and Transformation Business requirements. Understand exactly how, where, when, and why your money moves. Instantly, at any time. Get informed.

⚠️ $299+ Beta Bonus Value


Offering sessions, running workshops, courses, retreats, and teacher trainings can be a financial minefield if they aren't priced holistically. 

Spend just a few hours with this course and you'll learn how to manage and organise your personal money and business finances. You’ll see how both influence and impact pricing and profit with greater clarity.

You'll quickly gain high-level strategic insights and detailed practical guidance on the necessary financial aspects of running a sustainable and financially successful Lifestyle Transformation Business.

Includes simplepractical, and actionable lessons and tools covering:

  Creating a sustainable business to liberate your lifestyle.
  Reducing money anxiety and overcoming financial resistance.
  How much time to work ‘in’ and 'on' your business.
✓  Planning for a profitable offering, business, and life.
  Knowing when and how much to pay yourself.
  Profitable session, class, workshop, training, retreat pricing.
  How much to spend on marketing and advertising.


Finance Made Easy
Mindset, money, profit, and holistic pricing.

No more flying blindly. Learn the language and love of numbers.

In the first lesson I explain how one small change can quickly lead to more clients. From there you'll take a financial blindspot revealing journey to personal and business transformation that’s been walked by many new and established Transformerpreneurs, just like you.

⚠️ $449+ Beta Bonus Value


Offering sessions, running workshops, courses, retreats, and teacher trainings can be a financial minefield if they aren't priced holistically. 

Spend just a few hours with this course and you'll learn how to manage and organise your personal money and business finances. You’ll see how both influence and impact pricing and profit with greater clarity.

You'll quickly gain high-level strategic insights and detailed practical guidance on the necessary financial aspects of running a sustainable and financially successful Lifestyle Transformation Business.

Includes simplepractical, and actionable lessons and tools covering:

  Creating a sustainable business to liberate your lifestyle.
  Reducing money anxiety and overcoming financial resistance.
  How much time to work ‘in’ and 'on' your business.
✓  Planning for a profitable offering, business, and life.
  Knowing when and how much to pay yourself.
  Profitable session, class, workshop, training, retreat pricing.
  How much to spend on marketing and advertising.

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Included with Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Zenith Warrior only.
Lifetime 10% OFF Flowcast™ products, services, and courses.


This beta bonus is offered in gratitude for your trusting in and supporting the trial phase of Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND. As our products and services are designed, developed, and deployed you’ll be able to take full advantage of any ‘do it yourself’, ‘done with you’, ‘done for you’ training, coaching, or consultancy support with 10% OFF to help you start, build, grow, organise, or manage your personal or business financial life.


⚠️ $999+ Beta Bonus Value


⚠️ Apply NOW | We’re limiting our first Money Master cohort of Flowcasting™ HEARTMINDERS to 22 students.

Applicants are interviewed on an ongoing basis. Spaces will be limited to ensure students receive sufficient personalised attention and support.

Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND saves you time, hassle, and money.
Which approach will you choose? How will you decide?


Having the willingness, ability, and tools to create cash flow forecasts and income expense budgets when you need, for whatever purpose you want, means you don’t have to pay and wait for your bookkeeper, accountant, or an expensive business finance consultant specialist to do it for you while charging through the nose for the privilege.

The added bonus of organic and intentional cost reductions with ongoing personal and business operational savings due to shining a light on your dedicated income expense budgets makes it clear just how easily Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND (which includes the Flowcast™ TEMPLATE Super-Tool) pays for itself, and then some, in next-to-no time.


‘To believe is to be human, to doubt divine.’
Answer nagging pre-decision questions before committing.


What if you could dispel your uncertainty and avoid unnecessary risks ahead of time? How would you feel if your personal money, business finance, and creative projects were fully planned, business modelled, mapped out, and time-lined with a single simple tool? Great, right?

Now, what if that happened automatically and your forecasts were Always NOW Ready and fully up-to-date whenever you need them?

Flowcasting™ gives you…

  • Power to forecast anything and everything you need to be on top of things financially, reach your goals, and succeed on your terms.

  • Clarity before you make a start on your venture or project.

  • Low-to-no maintenance automated tools to quickly and easily get your money managed so you can keep your finances on track, on target, and on budget as you progress and complete your projects.

  • A painless, simple way to financially plan your life and business.

  • Confidence and peace-of-mind for your investors and partners.

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‘Easier than setting up a standing order yet way more powerful.’


The Flowcast™ TEMPLATE Super-Tool is designed to be uncomplicated. All you need to do is enter your item details; name, date, amount, number, and frequency.

Flowcast™ takes care of the rest for you.

Flowcast™ TEMPLATE and learning how to use it to create your own personalised ‘fit-for-your-soul-purpose’ Money Map is all part of your Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND Re-Program.


By the end of the Re-Program you’ll be confidently using the powerful easy-to-use auto-updating Flowcast™ TEMPLATE Super-Tool (included with Flowcasting™ HEARTMIND) to put everything you’ve learned, experienced, and practiced, into action with personalised 1-2-1 coaching and hands-on support.


You’ll have a completed ‘fit-for-your-unique-purpose’ 3-year big picture and day-to-day-detail FlowcastMoney Map to help you navigate financial decisions with ease, guide your ‘Hero’s Journey’ and ensure you stay financially aligned, in tune with, and in the flow of successfully Realising Your Vision.


Most importantly you’ll know your Money Map much more intimately and be willing and able to quickly and easily create masterful income expense budgets and cash flow forecasts whenever they’re needed.

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Become a HEARTMINDFUL ‘Money Master’


Cultivate Capacity. Curate Freedom. Transfer Value.

Flowcasting HEARTMINDᵇᵉᵗᵃ

A deep dive Re-Program to align your Money Map with Realising Your Vision.