See your money future. Differently.

Flowcasting™ BEGINNER Money Kit

Automated forecasting on a budget.


ONLY $47

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ONLY $47

Mini, mini, mini.


If having the mindsetskills, and tools to see your money future clearly today so that you can change it now for a better tomorrow is valuable to you, and it ought to be if you want to build a business, live the life of your dreams, or realise your vision sooner rather than later without losing your shirt, then Flowcasting™ BEGINNER Money Kit is for you.



Money Mindset Solutions Visualised


HuffPost includes bad budgeting and overspending and unplanned or unexpected changes in personal, work-related, and professional circumstances in their article 10 Reasons People Go Bankrupt. Meanwhile, Business Insider reports 82% of failed small business owners cited cash flow problems as the main reason while 29% claim to have simply run out of cash.



Money Destination Obstacles Explored


Minor financial missteps and disastrous money management failures are the unwanted bedfellow outcomes of prolonged unconscious Value Resource Overstretch. Your time, money, creativity, purpose, intention, inaction, and action are the primary assets with the power to help, hinder, or hijack your present and future financial success.



Practical Money Skills Demystified


With Flowcasting™ you'll possess the seer-like ability of the uncommon but lucky few to perceive the truth behind your money movements over time. Armed with this enduring self-knowledge you will start and continue actively realising your vision and not just waste more time and money idealising it.


Where and when the chips fall depends on whether they're blindly squandered reactively or proactively managed with foresight.


It’s a rich man’s world.


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FlowcastingMANUAL Mini-Book




Outing Overstretch

Hero’s Journey

Needs Must

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0046 - Flowcasting BOOK (set) - 750px CROP.png


Wild Lessons

Extreme Opposites

Fail Forward


See Your Money Future Clearly Today.
Change It Now for a Better Tomorrow.


The Must-Have Money Management, Planning, Budgeting, Mapping Tool and Practical Skill to Succeed Financially in Life and Business.


FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0034 - PACKAGE Contents - MONEY MATTERS Roundel - A BAR - Thinned Lines.png

 Mindset Mapping SOLUTIONS Mini-Course


See your money future clearly today. Change your mindset now for a better tomorrow.
Learn to visualise and apply the must-have money management, planning, budgeting, forecasting, mapping tools, and practical skills needed to succeed financially in life and business.


Visual Money Mindset


Click image to watch video.


Truth Time


Simple Enough


Money Matters


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Flowcast MINI-TOOL


Automated Budget Planner Cash Flow Forecaster


Be sure and get off on the right foot.


Quickly overcome the time, effort, frustrations, and complexities of traditional cookie-cutter one-size-doesn't-fit-all personal money and business finance planning, budgeting, and forecasting.

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Foreverything Useful
House, home, hobby, hustle.

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Cash, ins, outs, profit, wealth.


Watch Demonstration Video


Click image to watch video.

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Always NOW Ready
Up to date from today on.

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Timeless Anchor Dates
Past, future, floating, fixed.

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Scenario Adjustments
Quickly tweak your budgets.

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Automated Set Forget
Just add balance for big picture.

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Advance Risk Reduction
Timely limit alert warning.

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Value Resource Combos
Recurring amounts, time, tasks.


Like falling off a log.


Easier than setting up standing orders yet way more powerful.


Flowcast™ MINI-TOOL is designed to be uncomplicated. All you need to do is enter your regular and irregular incomes and expenses along with any likely extraordinary budget items and Flowcast™ MINI-TOOL takes care of the rest.


‘Hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is better.’

William Blake

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GO FASTER Principle + Finance Made Easy

Two books, one mini-course, and a pricing tool.

Included for would-be, new, and veteran Transformerpreneurs



 Clean, clear, calm, and collected.


Try Flowcasting™ BEGINNER risk-free for 30 days.
One-time purchase. No subscription. Not happy? We’ll refund you.



What’s my one-time INVESTMENT ?

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - BEGINNER Japanese Symbol.png

Try risk-free with support for 30 days.
Subscription commitment-free.


Flowcasting™ BEGINNER


only $47


Try risk-free with support for 30 days.
Subscription commitment-free.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - BEGINNER Japanese Symbol.png

What’s included with BEGINNER ?


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0046 - BOOK Icon WIDER BWoT.png

FlowcastingSee Your Money Future Book

Transformerpreneur Finance Made Easy Book

Transformerpreneur GO FASTER Principle Book

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0034 - PACKAGE Contents - MONEY MATTERS Roundel - A BAR - Thinned Lines.png

MONEY MATTERS Solutions Mini-Course

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0048 - MINI-TOOL - SMALLER - BWoT.png

Google Sheets FlowcastMINI-TOOL Forecaster

Google Sheets Transformerpreneur Pricing Tool

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✓ FlowcastingSPREADSHEET BASICS Nano-Course

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$$$s OFF with Reward Central FLOWCREDITS

$30 OFF FlowcastingPERSONAL Upgrade

$60 OFF FlowcastingBUSINESS Upgrade

$90 OFF FlowcastingCOMMUNITY Upgrade



Begin Flowcasting Today


only $47


30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee



Join our Flowletter list for a foundational Welcome Pack and occasional news, offers, launches, and essential Value Resource content created and curated by Flowcastic™ and Transformerpreneur.


Please be aware VAT / Sales Tax may be applicable to some EU countries. Prices are in USD.
Flowcast™ requires a Google Account with access to Google Sheets.
Package contents are subject to change without notice.


See your money future. Differently.


Get off on the right foot.

FLO - Icons - 1500 x 600 - 0045 - BEGINNER Japanese Symbol - WBoT.png